Physical Therapy
What we offer
Joint Mobilizations and Manipulations
Joint mobilizations and manipulations are the careful use of skilled graded forces to move a joint the a specific direction. Gliding of joints is used to improve motion, decrease pain, and normalize joint function.
Myofascial Decompression / Cupping
The negative pressure of cupping creates space between the soft tissue layers that allows each layer to slide one upon another with decreased viscosity and improved movement efficiency. Curved cups allow for active movement and neuro re-education (retraining movement patterns) for treatment to the neck, mid and low back, shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, and foot ankle to improve mobility and decrease pain.
Soft Tissue Mobilization
Soft tissue mobilization is performed with tools or hands to improve mobility in muscles, ligaments, tendons, and fascia, reduce swelling and edema, improve range of motion, decrease pain, and restore function.
Strength and Mobility Work
Prescribed strengthening and mobility exercises is specific to your imbalances. This is key to heal from an injury and prevent recurrence. If you cannot tolerate traditional strength training due to injury, Blood Flow Restriction Training (BFR) is a great way to gain strength and promote healing.
Education / Empowerment
This is where we teach you how to help heal your body and keep it healthy! This is a key step to recovery and being able to keep doing what you love.
Recovery from an injury or surgery can be just as mental as physical. Having someone on your side and who has been through injuries/surgery herself, is crucial to provide you with the support and tools you need to get back to doing the things you love!
McConnell Tape and Kinesiotape
McConnell tape helps to realign joints, offload irritated/painful tissues, and improve proprioceptive awareness. Kinesiotape decreases swelling/edema to improve range of motion and decrease pain.
Common Conditions Treated
AC Joint Pathology
Ankle Sprains
Acute and Chronic Low Back and Neck Pain
Bulged and herniated discs
Carpal tunnel
Hip Impingement/Pain
IT Band Syndrome
Golfers and Tennis Elbow
Muscles Strains
Patellofemoral Pain (Knee Pain)
Plantar Fasciitis
Pre and Post Orthopedic surgeries
Rotator Cuff Pathology
Shoulder Impingement
Tendonitis/tendinosis (Achilles, Gluteal, Patellar, Posterior Tibialis)
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome