Laura Peaslee is a doctor of physical therapist, SICI certified professional bike fitter, NASM certified athletic trainer, and cyclist. She enjoys being able to help athletes reach their goals on multiple levels, whether it's curating a rehab plan to recover from an injury, maximizing comfort and performance with professional bike fitting, or strength training.
Recommended Products
Step Up/Plyo Box
Adjustable Heights: Plyometric jump box can be rotated to reveal different sizes: 16 inches, 20 inches, and 24 inches, serving various purposes based on your specific needs or preferences
Bowflex 552 Adjustable Dumbbells
Each dumbbell adjust from 5 to 52.5 lb. in 2.5 lb. increments
Bowflex Stand with Media Rack
Compatible with Bowflex SelectTech 552, 560, and 1090 dumbbells.
Bowflex Adjustable Kettlebell
Replaces up to 6 kettlebell with weights at 8, 12, 20, 25, 35, and 40 lbs.
Mini Band Loops
12 inch x 2 inch Heavy Duty Loop Resistance Bands Come In 5 Varying Resistance Levels- Extra Light, Light, Medium, Heavy, and Extra Heavy
Resistance Bands (Long)
Package Included: 5 pull up bands, 1 carrying bag and 1 workout guide. Resistance bands are Orange 5-15 lbs, Red 15-35 lbs, Black 25-65 lbs, Purple 35-85 lbs, Green 50-125 lbs. Use these exercise bands to perform rows, pulls, raises, and fly workout sets to exercise your arms, back, hips, legs, chest, and abdominal region
Foam Roller
Amazon Basics High Density Foam Roller for Exercise and Recovery
Stability Ball
Stability ball for core and lower extremity strengthening
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